Saturday, November 26, 2016

26 Nov 2016 CND/Lab progress

26 NOV 2016

Pretty sure I figured out how to get all the ingress and egress packets (Ether/WiFi) monitored. I will post a network diagram one day but my goal today was to get the ProCurve 5300xl running with a minimal config. I made two trips to my local computer shop: the first to pick up a USB to DB9 serial cable and the second to get a gender bender because I was not paying attention on my the first trip.

I setup putty (Windows 7 and up no longer has TTY emulation) for a serial (direct) connection and then configured the ProCurve box with IPs for my home net. I configured the Procurve for local and remote access, plus I set the monitor port. Next thing is to check the port with Wireshark from a laptop. Then i can get started on the security stack
BTW I was able to decipher my credentials for my ESXi box. I think the CND stuff will go on a separate box while the pentesting and forensics will go on the VM. 

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